TOPIX index

Index Change Change% High Low Open YTD local
2790.88 -13.28 -0.47% 2810.79 2790.29 - 0.21% 15:30

Budget/GDP Debt/GDP Current
0.50 3.70 2.50 -5.50 255.20 4.70 123.59

Japan Nominal GDP (gross domestic product)
GDP Growth
2024 GDP
per capita
0.90% 33,138 4,110,452 4,310,366 4,499,524 4,649,090 4,836,331
Japan GDP Source: IMF's World Economic Outlook (WEO) Database (estimated values in millions USD)
Index Return   2025/03/21
1 day 1 week MTD 1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year from highest from lowest
0.03% 3.25% 4.55% 2.47% 3.78% 6.12% 0.69% 0.32% 0.00% 5.00%

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Index 9.93% -1.85% 19.69% -17.80% 15.21% 4.84% 10.40% -5.05% 25.09% 17.69%
GDP -9.23% 12.57% -1.46% 2.17% 1.70% -1.62% -2.04% -0.51% 7.72% 4.47%
4,444,931 5,003,678 4,930,837 5,037,834 5,123,318 5,040,108 4,937,422 4,912,147 5,291,351 5,527,694
GDP(nominal) Source: IMF's World Economic Outlook (WEO) Database (values in millions USD)
Technical Chart   Other Link


MA5 MA10 MA20 MA60 MA120 MA260 Deviation
2795.58 2750.58 2734.20 2740.45 2722.23 2719.68 2739.149 (1.89%)
Date Index Change% Date Index Change%
2025/03/24 2790.88 -0.47% 2025/03/10 2700.76 -0.29%
2025/03/21 2804.16 0.03% 2025/03/07 2708.59 -1.56%
2025/03/20 2803.32 0.26% 2025/03/06 2751.41 1.22%
2025/03/19 2795.96 0.45% 2025/03/05 2718.21 0.30%
2025/03/18 2783.56 1.29% 2025/03/04 2710.18 -0.71%
2025/03/17 2748.12 1.19% 2025/03/03 2729.56 1.77%
2025/03/14 2715.85 0.65% 2025/02/28 2682.09 -1.98%
2025/03/13 2698.36 0.13% 2025/02/27 2736.25 0.73%
2025/03/12 2694.91 0.91% 2025/02/26 2716.40 -0.30%
2025/03/11 2670.72 -1.11% 2025/02/25 2724.70 0.28%

  Economic Calendar
日期 Time Country Event period Previous Consensus Actual
03/20 JP
Inflation Rate MoM FEB -0.1% 0.5% 0.2%
03/20 JP
Inflation Rate YoY FEB 3.7% 4% 4.2%
03/20 JP
Reuters Tankan Index MAR 3 10
03/20 JP
Stock Investment by Foreigners MAR/15 -1806.2B -219.6B
03/21 JP
3-Month Bill Auction 0.2898% 0.3070%
03/24 JP
BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting Minutes
03/24 JP
Jibun Bank Composite PMI Flash MAR 48.5 52 52
03/24 JP
Jibun Bank Manufacturing PMI Flash MAR 48.3 49.0 49.2 49.4
03/24 JP
Jibun Bank Services PMI Flash MAR 49.5 53.7 52.9
03/26 JP
Coincident Index Final JAN 116.1 116.2
03/26 JP
Foreign Bond Investment MAR/22 -87.6B
03/26 JP
Leading Economic Index Final JAN 107.9 108.0 108.0
03/26 JP
Stock Investment by Foreigners MAR/22 -1806.2B
03/27 JP
40-Year JGB Auction 2.570%
03/27 JP
BoJ Summary of Opinions
03/27 JP
Tokyo CPI Ex Food and Energy YoY MAR 0.9% 1.0%
03/27 JP
Tokyo CPI YoY MAR 2.9% 3.1%
03/27 JP
Tokyo Core CPI YoY MAR 2.2% 2.2% 2.3%
03/28 JP
3-Month Bill Auction 0.2898%
03/28 JP
Construction Orders YoY FEB 12.2% 15.0%
03/28 JP
Housing Starts YoY FEB -4.6% -0.8%
03/28 JP
Retail Sales MoM FEB 0.5% 0.1%
03/28 JP
Retail Sales YoY FEB 3.9% 2.8%
03/30 JP
Industrial Production MoM Prel FEB -1.1% 2.0%
03/30 JP
Industrial Production YoY Prel FEB 2.2% 3.0%
03/30 JP
Retail Sales MoM FEB 0.5% 0.1%
03/30 JP
Retail Sales YoY FEB 3.9% 2.8%
03/31 JP
2-Year JGB Auction 0.826%
03/31 JP
Jobs/applications ratio FEB
03/31 JP
Tankan Large All Industry Capex Q1 11.3%
03/31 JP
Tankan Large Manufacturers Index Q1 14 11
03/31 JP
Tankan Large Manufacturing Outlook Q1 13 15
03/31 JP
Tankan Large Non-Manufacturing Index Q1 33 36
03/31 JP
Tankan Non-Manufacturing Outlook Q1 28
03/31 JP
Tankan Small Manufacturers Index Q1 1 2
03/31 JP
Unemployment Rate FEB 2.5% 2.6%
04/01 JP
Jibun Bank Manufacturing PMI Final MAR 49.0 48.3 48.3
04/02 JP
Foreign Bond Investment MAR/29
04/02 JP
Stock Investment by Foreigners MAR/29
04/03 JP
10-Year JGB Auction 1.404%
04/03 JP
Jibun Bank Composite PMI Final MAR 52 48.5
04/03 JP
Jibun Bank Services PMI Final MAR 53.7 49.5 49.5