World GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living; GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income. Under economic theory, GDP per capita exactly equals the gross domestic income (GDI) per capita.
GDP is related to national accounts, a subject in macroeconomics. GDP is not to be confused with gross national product (GNP) which allocates production based on ownership.
Country 2023 GDP
2023 GDP
per capita
US 28,781,083
N/A 85,373* 28,781,083 29,839,684 31,018,771 32,274,458 33,582,242
China 18,532,633
N/A 13,136* 18,532,633 19,790,074 21,027,664 22,276,918 23,579,013
Germany 4,591,100
N/A 54,291* 4,591,100 4,772,259 4,941,646 5,089,795 5,229,272
Japan 4,110,452
N/A 33,138* 4,110,452 4,310,366 4,499,524 4,649,090 4,836,331
India 3,937,011
N/A 2,731* 3,937,011 4,339,830 4,789,829 5,287,040 5,833,423
UK 3,495,261
N/A 51,075* 3,495,261 3,685,408 3,915,566 4,144,371 4,394,713
France 3,130,014
N/A 47,359* 3,130,014 3,223,133 3,332,653 3,437,176 3,544,996
Brazil 2,331,391
N/A 11,352* 2,331,391 2,437,906 2,596,117 2,760,057 2,903,891
Italy 2,328,028
N/A 39,580* 2,328,028 2,390,443 2,439,622 2,492,629 2,558,678
Canada 2,242,182
N/A 54,866* 2,242,182 2,360,581 2,469,208 2,576,318 2,688,151
Russia 2,056,844
N/A 14,391* 2,056,844 2,090,522 2,117,244 2,148,676 2,182,013
Mexico 2,017,025
N/A 15,249* 2,017,025 2,128,070 2,231,099 2,331,637 2,437,850
Australia 1,790,348
N/A 66,589* 1,790,348 1,863,238 1,940,478 2,016,877 2,107,311
Korea 1,760,947
N/A 34,165* 1,760,947 1,842,661 1,924,400 2,004,894 2,087,319
Spain 1,647,114
N/A 34,045* 1,647,114 1,715,584 1,772,090 1,829,221 1,890,022
Indonesia 1,475,690
N/A 5,271* 1,475,690 1,613,904 1,746,604 1,886,118 2,035,959
Netherlands 1,142,513
N/A 63,750* 1,142,513 1,177,592 1,223,053 1,269,891 1,317,550
Turkey 1,113,561
N/A 12,765* 1,113,561 1,106,916 1,153,494 1,197,314 1,241,708
Saudi 1,106,015
N/A 33,040* 1,106,015 1,171,003 1,228,906 1,289,618 1,349,310
Switzerland 938,458
N/A 105,669* 938,458 971,745 1,022,424 1,062,449 1,117,347
Poland 844,623
N/A 23,014* 844,623 884,581 937,789 984,450 1,022,936
Taiwan 802,958
N/A 34,432* 802,958 854,677 900,208 943,377 975,643
Belgium 655,192
N/A 55,536* 655,192 673,248 693,456 714,154 737,174
Sweden 623,048
N/A 58,529* 623,048 651,281 680,164 711,100 742,266
Argentina 604,260
N/A 12,812* 604,260 558,957 592,490 629,443 663,404
Ireland 564,020
N/A 106,059* 564,020 586,864 612,631 639,446 667,930
Thailand 548,890
N/A 7,812* 548,890 573,394 605,762 643,894 678,622
Austria 540,887
N/A 59,225* 540,887 561,734 581,023 598,329 615,262
Israel 530,664
N/A 53,372* 530,664 569,509 594,688 621,711 651,253
Emirates 527,796
N/A 53,916* 527,796 550,240 577,754 609,469 645,345
Norway 526,951
N/A 94,660* 526,951 554,775 564,342 581,215 597,958
Singapore 525,230
N/A 88,447* 525,228 548,148 573,465 599,299 626,285
Philippines 471,516
N/A 4,130* 471,516 509,379 551,560 596,935 650,628
Vietnam 465,814
N/A 4,623* 465,814 505,531 546,491 589,854 635,648
Iran 464,181
N/A 5,310* 464,181 486,247 509,425 532,170 554,011
Bangladesh 455,162
N/A 2,646* 455,162 491,815 546,924 613,706 691,865
Malaysia 445,519
N/A 13,315* 445,519 477,829 509,068 538,333 570,626
Denmark 409,989
N/A 68,898* 409,989 424,326 441,465 458,995 477,516
HK 406,775
N/A 53,606* 406,775 427,782 449,263 471,607 494,999
Colombia 386,076
N/A 7,327* 386,076 400,480 417,861 439,433 462,100
SA 373,233
N/A 5,975* 373,233 384,765 398,062 413,042 427,660
Romania 369,971
N/A 19,530* 369,971 389,689 413,281 438,774 463,786
Egypt 347,594
N/A 3,225* 347,594 328,845 374,251 426,392 482,639
Pakistan 338,237 N/A 1,461
Chile 333,760
N/A 16,616* 333,760 374,753 391,385 408,875 426,968
Czech 325,880
N/A 29,801* 325,880 337,530 351,158 365,662 381,166
Finland 308,055
N/A 55,127* 308,055 318,583 329,774 341,682 353,842
Portugal 298,949
N/A 28,969* 298,949 309,715 321,832 334,087 346,807
Kazakhstan 296,740
N/A 14,778* 296,740 312,990 327,308 350,694 370,044
Peru 282,458
N/A 8,291* 282,458 294,781 307,194 319,956 333,131
Algeria 266,780
N/A 5,722* 266,780 277,339 287,038 294,125 300,405
Iraq 265,894
N/A 5,979* 265,894 278,811 292,147 307,465 325,197
NZ 257,626
N/A 48,531* 257,626 266,774 277,688 288,508 301,286
Nigeria 252,738
N/A 1,110* 252,738 251,198 254,831 265,781 276,779
Greece 250,276
N/A 23,966* 250,276 260,452 270,034 278,721 287,758
Qatar 244,686
N/A 81,400* 244,686 251,898 268,995 289,377 302,323
Hungary 223,413
N/A 23,319* 223,413 240,121 254,150 269,148 285,531
Ethiopia 205,130
N/A 1,910* 205,130 236,044 265,498 295,859 329,998
Ukraine 188,943
N/A 5,663* 188,943 193,602 202,563 214,297 227,047
Kuwait 160,397
N/A 31,724* 160,397 163,377 166,478 171,137 176,782
Morocco 152,377
N/A 4,078* 152,377 161,436 170,859 180,096 189,674
Slovakia 140,808
N/A 25,935* 140,808 149,401 157,083 164,227 171,757
Dominica 127,356
N/A 9,455* 708 753 793 833 874
Ecuador 121,592
N/A 6,567* 121,592 124,408 128,731 133,470 138,747
Puerto_Rico 117,763
N/A 37,172* 117,763 120,425 123,625 128,927 133,220
Guatemala 110,035
N/A 5,678* 110,035 117,986 126,587 135,893 146,054
Oman 108,927
N/A 20,913* 108,927 111,052 114,812 119,129 124,098
Bulgaria 107,933
N/A 16,943* 107,933 114,461 120,579 126,442 132,618
Kenya 104,001
N/A 1,983* 104,001 109,646 118,046 126,229 135,491
Venezuela 102,328
N/A 3,867* 102,328
Uzbekistan 97,956
N/A 2,666* 104,412 119,673 138,322 160,341 185,022
Costa Rica 96,058
N/A 18,031* 96,058 102,334 108,021 114,297 120,956
Angola 92,123
N/A 2,432* 92,123 95,386 98,704 104,687 109,642
Luxembourg 88,556
N/A 131,384* 88,556 93,366 97,424 101,572 105,834
Source: CIA "The World Factbook".