World GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living; GDP per capita is not a measure of personal income. Under economic theory, GDP per capita exactly equals the gross domestic income (GDI) per capita.
GDP is related to national accounts, a subject in macroeconomics. GDP is not to be confused with gross national product (GNP) which allocates production based on ownership.
Country 2023 GDP
2023 GDP
per capita
US 26,949,643 2.10 80,412 27,966,553 29,048,892 30,223,881 31,428,865 32,690,373
China 17,700,899 5.20 12,541 18,560,013 19,781,703 21,059,834 22,291,053 23,608,859
Germany 4,429,838 1.90 52,824 4,700,875 4,960,294 5,181,790 5,327,941 5,459,256
Japan 4,230,862 2.00 33,950 4,286,187 4,524,629 4,710,142 4,873,159 5,157,927
India 3,732,224 6.50 2,612 4,105,381 4,511,847 4,951,615 5,427,392 5,944,382
UK 3,332,059 0.50 48,912 3,587,750 3,830,045 4,083,248 4,334,244 4,576,278
France 3,049,016 1.00 46,315 3,183,486 3,316,773 3,438,832 3,537,299 3,634,749
Italy 2,186,082 0.70 37,146 2,284,084 2,365,535 2,443,487 2,508,636 2,571,498
Brazil 2,126,809 3.40 10,413 2,265,117 2,362,163 2,476,626 2,632,214 2,774,468
Canada 2,117,805 1.30 53,247 2,238,568 2,364,551 2,474,330 2,583,805 2,699,364
Russia 1,862,470 2.20 13,006 1,904,336 1,927,977 1,957,884 1,969,794 1,986,850
Mexico 1,811,468 3.20 13,804 1,994,148 2,081,181 2,171,296 2,260,060 2,356,753
Korea 1,709,232 1.40 33,147 1,784,805 1,873,342 1,957,354 2,042,701 2,129,427
Australia 1,687,713 2.60 63,487 1,685,665 1,780,929 1,870,759 1,961,044 2,053,558
Spain 1,582,054 2.50 33,090 1,676,539 1,751,938 1,816,052 1,870,318 1,926,172
Indonesia 1,417,387 5.00 5,109 1,542,366 1,670,627 1,805,246 1,949,853 2,093,457
Turkey 1,154,600 4.00 13,384 1,340,689 1,402,105 1,454,230 1,515,513 1,575,998
Netherlands 1,092,748 0.60 61,770 1,157,906 1,207,526 1,254,383 1,295,414 1,338,197
Saudi 1,069,437 0.80 32,586 1,109,510 1,150,506 1,188,132 1,230,657 1,276,033
Switzerland 905,684 0.90 102,865 977,947 1,025,312 1,083,066 1,129,043 1,191,050
Poland 842,172 0.60 22,393 880,055 928,942 986,480 1,036,478 1,067,901
Taiwan 751,930 0.80 32,339 791,608 839,328 886,141 928,388 959,714
Belgium 627,511 1.00 53,657 658,120 682,067 703,754 722,806 743,299
Argentina 621,833 -2.50 13,297 632,629 635,908 660,282 695,286 728,054
Sweden 597,110 0.70 55,216 620,712 656,751 688,223 718,924 750,568
Ireland 589,569 6.00 112,248 629,589 667,338 699,874 729,885 761,124
Norway 546,768 2.30 99,266 567,740 571,222 575,767 589,824 605,123
Austria 526,182 0.10 58,013 552,339 579,004 602,808 623,801 641,637
Israel 521,688 3.10 53,196 539,835 569,039 598,906 629,423 661,409
Thailand 512,193 2.70 7,298 543,248 579,690 613,500 646,635 682,681
Emirates 509,179 3.40 50,602 536,829 561,155 588,636 618,938 652,441
Singapore 497,347 1.00 87,884 520,973 547,319 573,146 598,995 626,065
Bangladesh 446,349 6.00 2,621 455,162 511,790 576,490 651,691 734,607
Philippines 435,675 5.30 3,859 475,947 521,895 574,428 633,229 698,513
Vietnam 433,356 4.70 4,316 469,672 514,653 559,286 606,435 657,276
Malaysia 430,895 3.70 13,034 465,541 502,274 537,158 568,141 603,434
Denmark 420,800 1.70 71,402 431,248 448,387 466,920 485,330 504,761
Egypt 398,397 4.20 3,770 357,825 408,934 461,087 522,533 591,101
Nigeria 390,002 2.90 1,755 394,935 457,998 524,047 599,322 682,099
HK 385,546 4.40 51,168 410,356 431,706 453,691 476,108 498,807
SA 380,906 0.90 6,191 401,466 417,947 432,496 445,457 459,022
Iran 366,438 3.00 4,234 386,218 401,186 416,548 433,566 454,495
Colombia 363,835 1.40 6,976 373,430 390,269 410,639 432,755 456,063
Romania 350,414 2.20 18,413 382,932 408,351 436,355 461,205 485,163
Chile 344,400 -0.50 17,254 354,470 372,487 390,402 407,874 426,681
Pakistan 340,636 2.50 1,471
Czech 335,243 0.20 30,475 359,111 381,015 402,594 420,769 438,526
Finland 305,689 0.10 54,507 316,308 327,627 339,852 351,110 362,831
Iraq 297,695 -2.70 5,883 271,471 281,788 291,559 300,576 310,349
Portugal 276,432 2.30 26,879 289,515 303,238 316,273 327,215 338,450
Peru 264,636 1.10 7,669 277,158 291,094 305,718 320,695 336,236
Kazakhstan 259,292 4.60 12,968 290,994 309,376 322,283 336,863 354,673
NZ 249,415 1.10 48,072 247,535 256,362 269,460 283,033 296,767
Greece 242,385 2.50 23,173 256,271 266,633 275,896 282,878 289,954
Qatar 235,500 2.40 81,968 246,359 258,768 270,694 286,422 294,966
Algeria 224,107 3.60 4,875 239,209 247,742 255,315 259,347 262,804
Hungary 203,829 0.30 21,075 222,201 238,873 255,592 271,320 287,962
Ukraine 173,413 2.00 5,225 186,261 196,048 206,631 214,752 223,506
Kuwait 159,687 -0.60 32,215 167,009 172,128 175,602 179,534 183,899
Ethiopia 155,804 6.10 1,473 192,013 223,520 248,938 272,121 297,968
Morocco 147,343 2.40 3,980 157,403 166,489 175,331 184,903 195,103
Slovakia 133,044 N/A 24,471 145,250 153,902 161,479 168,164 175,197
Dominica 120,629 3.00 9,356 749 796 836 875 916
Ecuador 118,686 1.40 6,500 122,762 127,109 131,839 137,621 143,622
Puerto_Rico 117,515 -0.70 37,093 119,044 121,312 124,222 129,512 134,119
Kenya 112,749 5.00 2,188 115,075 122,393 130,138 138,033 146,563
Oman 108,282 1.20 21,266 112,354 114,944 118,305 121,829 125,935
Bulgaria 103,099 1.70 16,087 110,336 117,499 123,817 129,788 135,965
Guatemala 102,765 3.40 5,407 111,384 119,494 128,167 137,610 147,886
Angola 93,796 1.30 2,550 92,925 96,895 100,785 106,430 111,822
Venezuela 92,210 4.00 3,474
Uzbekistan 90,392 5.50 2,509 99,582 113,025 129,039 147,354 168,742
Luxembourg 89,095 0.40 135,605 94,028 99,089 103,768 107,855 112,016
Costa Rica 85,590 4.40 16,213 91,926 97,239 102,619 108,256 113,946
Source: CIA "The World Factbook".